OCTi Agile Consulting
Dive into the new age of accelerated businesses
Our Services
We offer a wide range of services and assessments to help your business thrive in the digital age:
CIO as a service
Business processes as a service
Platform as a service
Process automation
System integration
Businessmap implementation
Kanban Implementation
Kanban coaching
Kanban Training
Business agility coaching
Digital transformation
Marketing and Sales training
Organizational culture change management
Quality management system consulting and solutions
Manufacturing Execution system consulting and solutions
Enterprise Resource Planning Consulting and solutions
Product Life Cycle Management consulting and solutions

Our expertise
Our Expertise
At OCTi Agile Consulting, we bring three decades of experience from the highly regulated aerospace sector to quickly adapt and solve problems in the medical, automotive, and additive manufacturing sectors.
Business Process Management
We go beyond theory and presentations. By leveraging best-of-breed technology and taking a pragmatic approach to analyzing your business, we fully understand the scope of your business challenges. Our solutions are custom-built to satisfy your needs, keeping the future expansion of your business in mind.
Beyond PLM, ERP, or QMS
With the ARAS INNOVATOR platform, we move your people, processes, and tools into the industry 4.0 arena. We provide flexible and scalable solutions that meet business and industry requirements.
KANBAN and "Businessmap" (formerly Kanbanize): Effective Alternatives
For businesses where a full-fledged PLM system is too much or not necessary, we offer Businessmap, Building on the principles of KANBAN, as developed by Toyota, this cloud-based solution can handle almost any task in your business, providing you with the necessary visibility, control, and analytics.
We help build an interdependent company culture characterized by Candor, Trust, and Transparency
In collaboration with Grid International, we address the most critical factor involved in truly effective organization transformation: culture. We help build a company culture characterized by candor, trust, and transparency. This upfront work on culture avoids countless strategy problems and fosters creativity and innovation.
Culture conditions people to think feel and act in ways that may contradict profitability and/or effectiveness.

Traditions, precedents, and past practices come to control what people do rather than being determined by what the situation requires. As a result, many organizations are being operated in ways that fit the past but are unsuited to existing or future conditions.

Organization Transformation requires a fundamental shift in the assumptions, values, and beliefs that drive people’s behavior, relationships, and norms.
These dynamics are the largely hidden and underestimated force that will regulate the success and momentum of sought-after changes. They are simply a fact of life and are always present. You cannot stop, suppress or in some other way, avoid them.

The only course for change is to shine a bright light on them through capacity building and performance improvement skills that generate awareness, manage and ultimately harness these dynamics in ways that advance organization transformation.
The bottom line is if you put the work into your culture upfront, countless strategy problems will be avoided, and creativity and innovation will thrive.
Integrating Our Ecosystem with Yours
As the famous business author, Jim Collins states “with the right Whom you can do any What”.
We are blessed to have a very rich, diverse, and talented resource pool made up of incredible individuals and specialist companies that we have chosen to partner with. We bring our clients the most progressive solutions available today.